If xJigsaw does not work for you, or you think you have found a bug, please please contact me.
I can be contacted  by email at les@webmayo.com

If xJigsaw does not work for you.
There have been changes to most Linux distributions over the recent years that cause problems with some libraries, mostly libc , libjpeg and libpng. Fortunately xJigsaw does not have many dependencies, so it runs quite happily on most Linux distributions.

The most common problems are caused by the change over to multiarch support. This changed the library paths from /lib to /lib/i386-linux-gnu and /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
Also at the same time the libjpeg libraries were updated from libjpeg62 to libjpeg8.

If xjigsaw does not work for you, try the following...
From a terminal type ldd /path-to-xjigsaw
This will give you a list of the libraries used by xjigsaw and it will tell you which were not found.

If xjigsaw runs but there is an error when making puzzles, from a terminal type ldd ~/.xjigsaw/xpuz
This will give you a list of the libraries used by xpuz and it will tell you which were not found.

You could also run xjigsaw from a terminal and see the errors shown.

If you tried the above and still xjigsaw will not run for you, please contact me. I can usually find an answer.